[ { "code": 1, "text": "The value entered must be between *min* and *max*." }, { "code": 2, "text": "You've reached your daily CO₂ tracking limit." }, { "code": 3, "text": "You have to wait until your next meal is done then try tracking your CO2." }, { "code": 4, "text": "This question is required." }, { "code": 5, "text": "Please enter a valid email address that is associated with your Google Classroom to start." }, { "code": 6, "text": "cannot be blank!" }, { "code": 7, "text": "Season not found!" }, { "code": 8, "text": "invalid usercoupons_id" }, { "code": 9, "text": "invalid unknown user id" }, { "code": 10, "text": "no user coupon found." }, { "code": 11, "text": "userCoupon not found" }, { "code": 12, "text": "payment record not found" }, { "code": 13, "text": "invalid promocode" }, { "code": 14, "text": "Promo code has been fully redeemed and cannot be redeemed any more" }, { "code": 15, "text": "invalid coupon id" }, { "code": 16, "text": "promocode not started" }, { "code": 17, "text": "The promocode you entered is invalid. Please check and try again." }, { "code": 18, "text": "Successfully redeemed promo code" }, { "code": 19, "text": "Already redeemed promo code" }, { "code": 20, "text": "invalid email" }, { "code": 21, "text": "invalid token" }, { "code": 22, "text": "invalid apikey" }, { "code": 23, "text": "Invalid file type. It has to be in the CSV format." }, { "code": 24, "text": "Invalid season name. Copy the exact season name mentioned in cell A3 and try again." }, { "code": 25, "text": "Season name in cell B7 is missing. Please copy the exact season name from cell A3 and paste it in cell B7." }, { "code": 26, "text": "The main teacher's email does not match our records" }, { "code": 27, "text": "Student first names in column A must contain value." }, { "code": 28, "text": "Student first names contain invalid characters. Valid characters are letters, -, ' and space. Please check and try again." }, { "code": 29, "text": "Student last name initials are missing data. Please check and try again." }, { "code": 30, "text": "Class names in column C are missing data. Every student must have a class name." }, { "code": 31, "text": "Team names in column D are missing data. Every student must have a team name." }, { "code": 32, "text": "Difficulty levels in column E are missing data. Every student must have a difficulty level." }, { "code": 33, "text": "Student first name must be longer." }, { "code": 34, "text": "invalid data." }, { "code": 35, "text": "The co-teacher's email does not match our records" }, { "code": 36, "text": "Difficulty Level must be a number, 1,2, or 3" }, { "code": 37, "text": "Invalid user." }, { "code": 38, "text": "Max number of kids in one team is 10." }, { "code": 39, "text": "You need to form teams first." }, { "code": 40, "text": "You need to select the student account template csv file before clicking on the upload button." } ]