"settings": {
"seasonStart": "Your season will start on ",
"teamInfo": "Team Info",
"difficultyLevel": "Difficulty Level: ",
"beginner": "Beginner",
"intermediate": "Intermediate",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"seasonName": "Season Name: ",
"name": "My team Name: ",
"code": "My team Code: ",
"id": "My user id: ",
"howToWin": "How to win this season",
"walkThrough": "Walk Through",
"myProject": "My Project",
"badges": "Badges",
"codeDescription": "Please share this team code with the children and parents in your team if you are the team organizer"
"myCommunity": {
"seasonStart": "Your season will start on ",
"points": "Team Points: ",
"co2Savings": "Team CO₂ Savings: ",
"badges": "Badges snapshots"
"activity": {
"seasonStart": "Your season will start on ",
"notTeammember": "You are not member of a team.",
"day": "Day ",
"todayActivity": "Activity for today:",
"details": "Activity Details: ",
"pointsCap": "Points:",
"potentialBadge": "Potential Badge:",
"startTask": "Start This Task Now",
"finishActivity": "Finish this activity",
"teamSavings": "Team CO₂ Savings: ",
"badges": "Badges snapshots",
"startActivity": "Start this activity",
"comeTmr": "Come and do it tomorrow",
"checkProject": "Check out the project",
"challenge": "Challenge your knowledge! Can you answer the below quizzes?",
"question": "Question ",
"submit": "Submit",
"congrat": "Congratulations",
"earned": "You have earned",
"pointForBadge": "Points for this badge: ",
"point": "points",
"total": "Your total is",
"review": "Let's Review Your Answers"
"abnormal": {
"title": "Tracking Review",
"thanks": "Thanks for your confirmation",
"date": "Date",
"name": "Name",
"details": "Details",
"notes": "Notes from your studens",
"decision": "Your approval",
"reject": "Reject",
"approve": "Approve"
"project": {
"title": "Project Review",
"thanks": "Thanks for your confirmation",
"date": "Date",
"name": "Name",
"details": "Title",
"notes": "Notes from your studens",
"decision": "Your approval",
"reject": "Reject",
"approve": "Approve"
"teamManagement": {
"studentList": "Students List",
"youHave": "You have",
"students": "students in the list",
"noTeam": "Number Of Teams",
"required": "Field is Required",
"seasonSelection": "Select Season",
"auto": "Auto Team Formation",
"manual": "Manual Team Formation",
"confirmation": "Once teams are created for a season, they can not be edited.",
"available": "Available Students",
"name": "Team Name",
"level": "Difficulty Level*",
"reset": "Reset",
"save": "Save",
"doanloadCSV": "Download a Template to Create Student Accounts",
"doanloadCSVStudents": "Download Student Accounts",
"downloadStudents": "Download Students Login Information",
"downloadStudentsDescription": "Click on the link to download student accounts",
"uploadStudents": "Upload Student Information",
"uploadStudentsDescription": "Download the CSV template and fill it with required information about students and teams.",
"SelectFileDescription": "Select the CSV file that you complete, then click on the \"Uplaod Student Information\" button.",
"uploadCSV": "Upload Student Information",
"add": "You can add new students to any of the teams",
"myTeam": "My Teams",
"myid": "My user id:",
"formTeams": "Now let's form teams!",
"formTeamsDescription": "Select the number of teams, which competitions you want to participate in, and add students to the teams",
"difficultyTitle": "Select the difficulty level (eg, beginner, intermediate, advanced)",
"backButton": "Go Back",
"readyToGo": "You're ready to go!",
"sendUrlToStudents": "Send this URL to your students and ask them to click on \"I'm a student\"",
"studentLoginUrl": "https://leagueforgreenleaders.springbaystudio.org/login/",
"viewTeamsButton": "View Teams",
"seeLessonPlansButton": "View Lesson Plans",
"lessonPlansUrl": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/18T_21v5ZGSCKqf2ifBD7zCl1RxqE65Ze/view?usp=share_link",
"goToButton": "Go to Team Formation"
"co2goals": [
"id": 1,
"category": "Food",
"title1": "Which option can best describe your current dietary style?",
"title2": "Which option can best describe your food choices?"
"id": 2,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "How do you usually go to school?",
"title2": "How did you go to school?",
"title3": "How did you move around on the weekend?"
"id": 3,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "Select a Car Size",
"title2": "Select a Car Size"
"id": 4,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "What type of private car are you traveling in?",
"title2": "What type of private car are you traveling in?"
"id": 5,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "How long does it take you to school?",
"title2": "How long did it take you to travel one way?"
"id": 6,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "How do you usually travel around on weekends?"
"id": 7,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "Select a Car Size",
"title2": "Select a Car Size"
"id": 8,
"category": "Transportation",
"title1": "What type of private car are you traveling in?",
"title2": "What type of private car are you traveling in?"
"id": 9,
"category": "Recycle",
"title1": "What have you recycled? Check all the items you recycled?"
"id": 10,
"category": "Refuse",
"title1": "Have you said NO to any of the following when offered to you?"
"carType": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Petrol"
"id": 2,
"name": "Diesel"
"id": 3,
"name": "Hybrid"
"id": 4,
"name": "Plug-in hybrid electric"
"id": 5,
"name": "Electric vehicle (electricity)"
"carSize": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Small Size"
"id": 2,
"name": "Medium Size"
"id": 3,
"name": "Large Size"
"travelTime": [
"id": 1,
"name": "0-15 mins"
"id": 2,
"name": "16-30 mins"
"id": 3,
"name": "31-60 mins"
"id": 4,
"name": ">60 mins"
"refusedItems": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Plastic containers",
"checked": false
"id": 2,
"name": "Styrofoam cups and plates",
"checked": false
"id": 3,
"name": "Plastic straws",
"checked": false
"co2Calculator": {
"notTeammember": "You are not member of a team.",
"totalSaved": "Total CO₂ you have saved",
"myGoals": "My Goals",
"sameAsUsual": "The same as usual",
"daySelection": "Which day you want to record your CO₂?",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"today": "Today",
"yes": "Yes, I have",
"finishMilestone": "You finished a big milestone!!",
"earned1Badge": "You earned a badge",
"earnedBadges": "You earned badges",
"hooray": "Hooray!",
"saveNow": "Save my CO₂ saving now!",
"modify": "Modify my choices",
"totalSavedToday": "Total CO₂ you saved today",
"showRewards": "Show me the rewards",
"pointsForAction": "Points for your green action today:",
"limitTracking": "You've reached your daily CO₂ tracking limit.",
"okay": "Okay",
"submit": "Submit",
"abnormalQty": "Wow, you did a lot of recycle today.",
"reason": "Can you please tell us what’s the story behind this?",
"informAuthority": "We will let your parent / teacher know about this.",
"description": "Add a Description Here",
"descriptionError": "Please add a description about recycling today!",
"descriptionMax": "You've exceeded 140 characters!"
"recycledQty": {
"can": 6,
"glass": 4,
"water": 8,
"twoLitre": 4,
"carton": 3
"roles": [
{ "id": 1, "role": "Admin" },
{ "id": 2, "role": "Teacher" },
{ "id": 3, "role": "Parent" },
{ "id": 4, "role": "Student" },
{ "id": 5, "role": "Unknown" },
{ "id": 6, "role": "Kid" }
"teacherSettings": {
"expiredPopup": "Your license expired! Please check your subscription via Setting on the top menu.",
"seasonUndefined": "Please first select Season and form teams before entering Promo Code",
"upgradeToSchool": "Upgrade to school",
"havePromo": "I have a promo code",
"upgradeToClass": "Upgrade to class",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"cancelSubscription": "Cancel Subscription",
"renewSubscription": "Renew Subscription"
"footer": {
"text1": "Partners:",
"text2": "Project Neutral",
"text3": "Association for Canadian Educational Resources",
"text4": "Encouter EDU",
"text5": "Our privacy policy",
"limited": "2024 Springbay Studio Ltd. All rights reserved."
"login": {
"title": "Welcome to League for Green Leaders!",
"subtitle": "Create a free account or login to get started",
"schoolHeader": "Schools (Google Classroom)",
"teacherButton": "I'm a Teacher",
"studentButton": "I'm a Student!",
"noGoogleClassroomButton": "Don't have Google Classroom?",
"familiesHeader": "Families",
"parentButton": "I'm a Parent",
"kidButton": "I'm a Kid!"
"home": {
"welcomeTitle": "Welcome to COP 29 League for Green Leaders Competition!",
"welcomeBlurb": [
"Let's play to learn, play together and play for our future.",
"It's fun to track how much we can reduce our carbon emission. Let's try to save 3 tons of CO2 together. Are you up for this challenge?"
"totalCo2": "Total CO2 saved this season:",
"levelNames": ["Beginner Level", "Intermediate Level", "Advanced Level"],
"leaderboardTitles": [
"Top Teams",
"CO2 Saving Leaders",
"Project Videos"